471.42MB , 720P , HDCAM , CLEAN , ENG , x264 , OPENLOAD
787.77MB , HDCAM 

A criminal named Edgar Munsen manages to evade police and is pursued onto a rooftop, where he activates a triggering mechanism. He is shot and severely injured by police detective Halloran and his fellow officers.
Elsewhere, five people are held captive inside of a room in a run-down barn, each with a metal noose around their neck leading them to a wall of buzzsaws. A taped recording from John Kramer explains that to escape, they must give a sacrifice of blood and will eventually need to confess their past sins. The chain nooses begin to pull them towards the saw blades. Four manage to survive by offering blood via purposely cutting themselves on the saws, though one man who was still unconscious during the message and only woke up moments before the ending of the game appears to die. The next test reveals that one of the group-members, Carly, inadvertently caused the death of an asthmatic woman by stealing her purse, which had her emergency inhaler inside. A trio of syringes are revealed; one contains an antidote for a poison in her system, another a saline solution, and the third a potent acid. She must inject one into herself in order to save the rest from being hanged. Eventually, volatile group-member Ryan stabs all three into her to save himself, partially melting Carly's face and killing her.
During the games, Halloran and his partner, Detective Hunt, begin to investigate the matter, especially with the discovery of bodies that appear to belong to the unnamed man and Carly, who were both killed in the barn. Halloran becomes suspicious of forensic pathologists Logan and Eleanor. Though in turn Logan, a military veteran and former doctor whose wife was killed two years prior, is suspicious of Halloran's motives. Munsen is kidnapped from the hospital by an unseen assailant. When the police captain orders John Kramer's grave be exhumed, Munsen's body is found inside.
In another room, Ryan tries to cheat by escaping through a door marked "No Exit", and his leg is trapped by razor-sharp wires, immobilizing him. Fellow group members Anna and Mitch discover an unlocked door leading into a grain silo, but are quickly trapped inside. A taped message explains that Anna and Mitch will be buried in grain and then killed by falling debris unless Ryan pulls a lever that will free him from the wires around his leg. Ryan eventually agrees, but upon pulling the lever, his leg is instantly severed, though Anna and Mitch survive. Mitch is tested next. A taped message reveals that he sold a motorcycle with a faulty brake to a young man revealed to be John Kramer's innocent nephew, which resulted in his death in an automobile accident. Mitch will be lowered into a spiral-shaped blade, unless he can reach for a brake lever. However, he is unable to complete the task and is subsequently killed, with his body being shredded.
Logan and Eleanor speak in a bar about their distrust of Halloran, before Eleanor takes Logan to her "studio", revealing that she is an obsessive fangirl of the "Jigsaw Killer" case, and has built replicas of many of his previous traps, which she worries could incriminate her. Detective Hunt has followed them and informs Halloran of the studio. Halloran orders the two be arrested, though Logan is able to convince Hunt, an old friend, that Halloran is actually to blame, given his past dealings with Edgar Munsen. Logan and Eleanor depart for the barn after Eleanor is able to deduce the location of the game. Halloran manages to pursue them.
Anna tries to cheat and slip through a doorway to freedom, only to be captured. She awakens with a gravely wounded Ryan, each chained up in a room with a hooded figure. The hooded figure removes his robe to reveal John Kramer. John reveals that Anna, an old neighbor of his, suffocated her infant child in a fit of rage, and threw the blame on her husband by planting the body next to him while he slept. Her husband later committed suicide in a fit of grief, thinking he accidentally smothered his own baby. John explains that the two have not yet earned their survival, and have gotten his message "backwards." He places a loaded gun between them, telling them it is the "key" to their survival. Anna misinterprets John's message and attempts to shoot Ryan, only for the gun, which is revealed to be rigged, to backfire and kill her. Ryan begins to cry upon realizing that keys to their chains were hidden inside of the gun, and destroyed when Anna pulled the trigger.
While Logan and Eleanor investigate the barn, they are ambushed by Halloran. Eleanor escapes, and while pursuing her Halloran is drugged and knocked-out by an unseen assailant. Logan and Halloran both awaken inside of collars rigged with laser cutters. The two are told that they must confess all of their sins or else they will die, and they will have the choice of who will face their test first. Halloran forces Logan to go first. Logan confesses that he made a mistake and mislabeled John Kramer's X-Rays, which caused his cancer to go un-diagnosed until it was too late. Despite confessing, Logan appears to die. Halloran confesses at the last second, admitting that he has allowed criminals and murderers to walk free for personal gain.
Suddenly, Logan's body stands up, stating that he faked his death in order to get Halloran to confess, and revealing that the barn game takes place ten years in the past. He was the unnamed man who appeared to die in the first game of the barn trap, but because he was unconscious when the first message was delivered, John Kramer saved him, feeling Logan should not die out of error. John subsequently took Logan on as his apprentice. The bodies that were found were actually the bodies of criminals that Halloran allowed to walk free, and they were placed into the same tests that Logan was meant to face ten years prior. Logan also reveals that Munsen, one of the criminals Halloran let go, was responsible for murdering his wife. However, because Halloran refused to confess all of his sins, and because he selfishly broke the rules and forced Logan to go first, he will die, and be framed as the new Jigsaw killer. Logan tells Halloran that he "speaks for the dead", and reactivates the laser-collar around his neck. Logan slams the door as Halloran's head is sliced apart, killing him.
140.92MB , AVI , MP4 , OPENLLOAD 


Rotary, Pennsylvania was a nice place to live, until yesterday. A killer appeared without warning. He is on a murder spree, killing whoever he can.
324.36MB , WEBx264 , MP4 , OPENLOAD


Nine high school kids celebrate graduation at a secluded home in the wilderness. They fight, philander, and feel nostalgic as they embark on a life away from home, in college. Once the party dies down they play a game: Dead Body. But when one party-goer takes the game too far, actually murdering the other guests one by one, it's up to the group to set aside their tensions, and ferret out the murderer before it's too late.


Millennials Vincent (Lucas Till) and Victoria (Kiersey Clemons), meet "accidentally" on Halloween night and find themselves, along with Ichabod the dog, at a mysterious hotel located at 777 Jackson Street called This Place Hotel. Once inside, Vincent and Victoria are sent on an unexpected, magical adventure of personal discovery, culminating in a spectacular dance finale featuring an animated Michael Jackson.


Based on the German Urban Legend of Frau Perchta, the Christmas Witch, who takes a child each night over the 12 days of Christmas. For the 12 days before the Christmas of 1921, children went missing near the local towns woods. A traumatized girl was found, but her mind had gone - she later died of her horrific injuries. Just before the Christmas of 1992, a further five children disappeared again. Their bodies were found in the same woods. Angry and seeking vengeance, the locals hung a woman they believed to be the killer. But before dying, she cursed the town that one day the Christmas Witch, Frau Perchta, would come for them to avenge her death. 25 years later, the story has become little more than a local myth. But as children start to go missing again, everyone begins to wonder if the tales of a curse might be true. This Christmas it's not only the children that are in danger, it's the adults too.

Rini (Tara Basro) tinggal di pinggiran kota Jakarta di sebuah rumah tua milik neneknya, Rahma Saidah (Elly D. Luthan), bersama ibunya, Mawarni Suwono (Ayu Laksmi), bapaknya (Bront Palarae), dan ketiga adik laki-lakinya, Tony (Endy Arfian), Bondi (Nasar Annuz), dan Ian (M. Adhiyat). Kisah dibuka dengan masalah finansial keluarga mereka yang kehabisan uang untuk biaya pengobatan sakit sang ibu. Penyakit yang begitu parah membuat Mawarni tak mampu menggerakkan tubuhnya dan hanya berbaring di tempat tidur. Untuk memanggil dan meminta bantuan, Mawarni harus membunyikan lonceng.
Berbagai upaya dilakukan keluarga Rini untuk mendapatkan uang tambahan, termasuk berhenti kuliah dan meminta royalti milik Mawarni yang sempat berkarier di dunia tarik suara (terkenal dengan lagunya, 'Kelam Malam'), sebelum akhirnya jatuh sakit selama tiga setengah tahun tanpa diketahui penyebabnya. Namun, karirnya sudah lama redup sehingga sudah tidak menghasilkan royalti lagi. Tony pun rela menjual sepeda motor dan barang pribadi lainnya demi menolong keluarganya. Upaya keluarga untuk membuat sang ibu sembuh dari penyakitnya gagal setelah Rini menemukan sang ibu terjatuh di lantai kamarnya dan menghembuskan nafas terakhir.
Di pemakaman Mawarni, keluarga Rini pun dikenalkan dengan seorang Ustad (Arswendi Nasution) dan putranya, Hendra (Dimas Aditya), yang mencoba turut membantu mereka di masa berkabung. Dengan kematian Mawarni, bapaknya pun pergi ke kota untuk menggadai rumah mereka. Kematian Mawarni ternyata jadi awal dari teror di rumah keluarga Rini--mereka didatangi oleh sosok yang menyerupai sang mendiang ibu. Nenek pun ditemukan meninggal dunia oleh Bondi, tenggelam di sumur. Di kamar nenek, Rini menemukan sepucuk surat yang ditujukan ke Budiman Syailendra (Egy Fedly), dan Rini pun pergi mengantarkan surat itu ke rusun tempat tinggal Budiman bersama Hendra. Budiman memberi tahu Rini bahwa ia adalah kawan neneknya dulu dan ia menceritakan bahwa dulu neneknya tidak menyetujui pernikahan orangtua Rini karena Mawarni adalah seorang seniman dan tidak bisa mempunyai anak. Karena itu, Mawarni pun dikatakan telah mengikuti sebuah sekte pemuja setan demi mendapatkan keturunan.
Sementara itu, Bondi, yang shock sehabis menemukan mayat neneknya di dalam sumur, mulai berlaku seakan akan kerasukan dan hendak menyakiti adiknya, Ian, setelah Ian dihantui oleh arwah neneknya (yang ia lihat menghampiri Bondi dan mencoba menangkapnya dengan berpura pura bermain petak umpet). Tony, yang membaca majalah Maya pemberian Budiman yang memiliki artikel mengenai pengabdi setan, membicarakan mengenai hubungan ibu mereka dengan sekte pengabdi setan dan kemungkinan adik mereka, Ian, akan diambil oleh sekte tersebut setelah berumur 7 tahun, namun Rini tidak menggubrisnya. Setelah mengalami beberapa kejadian menyeramkan, mereka pun memanggil sang Ustad untuk memeriksa rumah mereka, dan mereka pun dinasihati untuk lebih banyak beribadah. Malam itu, saat Rini salat, ia diteror oleh hantu Mawarni, yang mengakibatkan Rini dan adik-adiknya berlari ke rumah sang Ustad, yang merencanakan sebuah pengajian di rumah mereka esok hari.
Hendra pun pergi ke rusun Budiman setelah Budiman meneleponnya dan memberikannya artikel yang ia tulis sebagai koreksi artikel sebelumnya. Di perjalanan pulang, seseorang membuat Hendra oleng dari motornya hingga ia terlindas truk. Jenazah Hendra pun dibawa pulang oleh warga sekitar dan Rini pun menemukan artikel yang ia bawa. Malam itu, Rini melihat penampakan Hendra di luar rumah sang Ustad dan ia pun nyaris ditarik keluar selagi sang Ustad memperhatikan dengan rasa takut dan menyerah karena anaknya telah meninggal akibat ikut campur dengan urusan keluarga Rini. Bapak mereka pun datang dan membawa mereka pulang, dan kemudian menangis saat diberi tahu bahwa ibunya telah meninggal akibat tenggelam di sumur.
Saat Rini hendak mengkonfrontasi bapaknya mengenai pembicaraan orangtuanya di malam Mawarni meninggal, Ian, yang sedang buang air kecil dekat sumur, ditarik oleh arwah nenek ke dalam sumur. Bapaknya pun menyelamatkan Ian selagi rumah mengalami poltergeist yang diakibatkan neneknya dan rumah dikepung oleh para pengabdi setan yang menebar biji saga di pekarangan rumah. Rini, Tony, dan bapaknya pun terkunci di lorong tangga selagi sang bapak memohon ampun ke ibunya dan istrinya. Setelah Bondi menyelamatkan Ian dan menggagalkan usaha nenek (yang juga membuatnya tidak kerasukan lagi), para pengabdi setan pun pergi dan rumah pun tenang kembali.
Keesokan paginya, keluarga Rini sudah siap untuk pindah ke rusun dan menunggu mobil untuk menjemput mereka, namun tidak ada yang menjemput mereka sampai petang dan sang Ustad pun datang untuk meminta maaf bahwa ia tidak bisa membantu mereka dan menemani mereka untuk menunggu mobil, sekalian menunggu ulang tahun Ian yang ke-7 di tengah malam. Saat tengah malam sampai, Rini pun terbangun dan mengingat artikel Budiman yang dibawa Hendra dan menceritakannya ke Tony. Selagi mereka berbincang, Bapak digentayangi oleh Mawarni dan Bondi menemukan Ian berbicara bahasa asing sambil melihat ke jendela (padahal sebelumnya ia bisu). Rini, Tony, Bondi, dan bapak mereka pun bersembunyi di kamar nenek dan akhirnya mereka tahu bahwa mayat mayat hidup dari pemakaman telah bangkit, dan keluarga Rini pun menemukan sang Ustad sudah wafat telah ditusuk dan Ian berjalan ke kerumunan mayat hidup bersama Mawarni.
Para mayat hidup mengepung rumah dan masuk melalui pintu dapur, yang kemudian ditahan oleh arwah neneknya, yang ternyata selama ini telah mencoba untuk menjaga mereka dengan mencoba membunuh Ian. Budiman pun sampai dan membawa keluarga Rini pergi. Setahun kemudian, keluarga Rini telah menetap di rusun dan mereka dihampiri seorang ibu tetangga (Asmara Abigail) yang memberikan mereka rantang makanan. Sang tetangga pun kembali ke rumahnya dan berbincang ke Batara (Fachry Albar), dan terungkaplah bahwa ia adalah Darminah (antagonis utama di film orisinil).
683.53MB , 720P , HD , OPENLOAD


Oskar, a meek 12-year-old boy, resides with his mother Yvonne in the western Stockholm suburb of Blackeberg in 1981 and occasionally visits his father Erik in the countryside. One such visit to his father, when Oskar and Erik are enjoying a cosy night playing games, a drunken neighbour arrives, and Erik starts to drink heavily with him, breaking up the father/son evening.
Oskar's classmates regularly bully him, and he spends his evenings imagining revenge, collecting clippings from newspapers and magazines about grisly murders. One night he meets Eli, who appears to be a pale girl of his age. Eli has recently moved into the next-door apartment with an older man, Håkan. Eli initially informs Oskar that they cannot be friends. Over time, however, they begin to form a close relationship, with Oskar lending his Rubik's Cube to Eli, and the two exchanging Morse code messages through their adjoining wall. Håkan requests that Eli stop seeing Oskar. After questioning Oskar about a cut on his cheek, Eli learns that the boy is being bullied by schoolmates and encourages him to stand up for himself. This inspires Oskar to enroll for weight-training classes after school.
Earlier, Håkan stops and kills a passerby on a busy footpath near a main road to harvest fresh blood for Eli, but he fails to return with any when he is interrupted by an approaching dog walker. Eli is prompted to waylay and kill a local man, Jocke, making his way home from a bar after having said goodnight to his best friend, Lacke. A local cat-loving recluse, Gösta, witnesses the attack from his flat. He does not believe what he has seen and decides not to report the incident. Håkan hides Jocke's body in an ice-hole in the local lake. Håkan later makes another well-prepared but incompetently executed effort to obtain blood for Eli by trapping a teenage boy in a changing room after school. The boy's friends are waiting for him to emerge, and go to see what is holding him up. Before he is discovered, Håkan pours concentrated hydrochloric acid onto his own face, disfiguring it to prevent the authorities from identifying him and tracing Eli. Eli learns that Håkan has been taken to the hospital and scales the building to access his restricted room. Håkan opens the window for Eli and offers his neck to her for feeding; after she has fed, Håkan falls out of the window onto the snow and dies. Now alone, Eli goes to Oskar's apartment and spends the night with him, during which time they agree to "go steady". While Eli states, "I'm not a girl", Oskar (ambiguously) either ignores this or accepts the unclear nature of the relationship.
During an ice skating field trip at the lake, some of Oskar's fellow students discover Jocke's body. At the same time, Oskar finally stands up to his tormentors and strikes the leader of the bullies, Conny, on the side of the head with a pole, splitting his ear. Some time later, Oskar shows Eli a private place he knows. Unaware that Eli is a vampire, Oskar suggests that they form a blood bond, and cuts his hand, asking Eli to do the same. Eli, thirsting for blood but not wanting to harm Oskar, laps up his spilled blood before running away. Lacke's girlfriend, Virginia, is subsequently attacked by Eli. Lacke turns up in time to interrupt the attack. Virginia survives, but soon discovers that she has become painfully sensitive to sunlight. Seeking Lacke, Virginia visits Gösta, only to be fiercely attacked by Gösta's cats. In the hospital, Virginia, who has realized what she has become, asks an orderly to open the blinds in her room. When the sunlight streams in, she bursts into flames.
On realizing Eli's true nature, Oskar confronts Eli, who admits to being a vampire. Oskar is initially upset by Eli's need to kill people for survival. However, Eli insists that their bloodthirsty natures are alike, in that Oskar wants to kill and Eli needs to kill, and encourages Oskar to "be me, for a little while."
Lacke, who has lost everything because of Eli, tracks Eli down to the closed-off apartment. Breaking in, he discovers Eli asleep in the bathtub. He prepares to kill her, but Oskar, who was hiding inside the apartment, interferes; Eli immediately wakes up, jumps on Lacke and kills him, feeding on his blood. Eli thanks Oskar and kisses him in gratitude. However, an upstairs neighbor is angrily knocking on the ceiling due to the disturbance the fight has caused. Eli realizes that it is no longer safe to stay and leaves the same night.
The next morning, Oskar receives a phone call from Conny's friend, Martin, who lures Oskar out to resume the after-school fitness program at the local swimming pool. The bullies, led by Conny and his sadistic older brother Jimmy, start a fire to draw Mr Ávila, the teacher in charge, outside, and enter the pool area, ordering the other children to clear out. This leaves Oskar trapped alone in the pool. Jimmy forces Oskar under the water, threatening to stab his eye out if he does not hold his breath for three minutes. While Oskar is being held underwater, Eli arrives and rescues him by killing and dismembering the bullies, except for the most reluctant of their number, Andreas, who is left sobbing on a bench.
Later, Oskar is traveling on a train with Eli in a box beside him, safe from sunlight. From inside, Eli taps the word "kiss" to Oskar in Morse code, to which he taps back "puss" (small kiss in Swedish).
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