Posted by MizzHelena
Posted on July 17, 2017
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In the year 1865 in rural England, a young woman, Katherine, is in a loveless marriage to an older man, Alexander. They live with Alexander's father, Boris, and Katherine is forced to maintain a strict schedule and prevented from leaving the house. Boris scolds Katherine for not carrying out her conjugal duties but Alexander shows no physical interest in her.
One day both Boris and Alexander have to leave the estate for separate business matters, and Katherine is left alone with the housemaid, Anna, and is free to explore the area to alleviate her boredom. One day she discovers Anna being suspended from the ground in an outhouse by the men who work on the land. She is attracted to one of them, Sebastian, and the next day deliberately encounters him on the land.
Presently, Sebastian comes to the house to visit Katherine. Initially resistant, Katherine admits him, and they have sex. Thereafter they begin an affair. Anna informs the local priest, who attempts to warn Katherine, but Katherine sends him away. After some time Boris returns home having been informed of Katherine and Sebastian's affair. He beats Sebastian and locks him in an outhouse, and threatens Katherine when she demands his release. Katherine responds by poisoning him during dinner and calmly makes small talk with Anna as he chokes to death in the next room.
Alexander does not return for his father's funeral, and the old man is buried without suspicion, as Anna is terrified mute by the experience. Katherine becomes more confident in her management of the estate and she and Sebastian continue their affair openly. They discuss their love for and devotion to each other.
One night while they are asleep in Katherine's marital bed, Katherine awakes to realise that Alexander has returned home. Sebastian hides while Alexander comes upstairs. At first defensive, Katherine realises that Alexander is aware of her infidelity. She calls Sebastian into the room and they start to undress each other in front of him. A fight ensues, during which Katherine kills Alexander. To cover their crime, Sebastian and Katherine bury Alexander's body in the woods and kill his horse. They are not directly accused of the murder, and Sebastian even begins to dress and behave as the lord of the manor himself.
One day a woman arrives with a young boy, Teddy, who she claims is Alexander's son by a mistress, her daughter. Initially resistant, Katherine accepts responsibility for sheltering the pair as their legal documentation is valid. Due to the changed circumstances Sebastian returns to the outhouse, angry at Katherine. Around this time she realises she is pregnant but is unable to inform Sebastian. She also begins to bond with Teddy.
One day Teddy goes missing after Katherine has scolded him. During the search, Sebastian finds Teddy sitting on a rock over a waterfall. He rescues him and returns him to the house, but admits to Katherine that he considered pushing him, and decides to leave the house. Katherine persuades him to stay, promising to do anything he wants in return. Katherine convinces Teddy's grandmother, who is caring for him after his ordeal, to get some sleep, and in the meantime Katherine smothers Teddy to death with Sebastian's help. Sebastian hides in the woods while Katherine performs the cover story. The village doctor is sceptical of the story, but while the issue is being discussed, Sebastian returns from the woods in grief, and confesses everything. Calmly, Katherine turns his confession back on him, and accuses him of committing all the murders with Anna. Her word is taken over his, and as Sebastian and Anna are taken away by the police, Katherine remains alone in the house with her unborn child.
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