JARHEAD 3 : THE SIEGE ( 2016 )
Posted by MizzHelena
Posted on August 08, 2017
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Corporal Albright (Charlie Weber), a go-getter Marine who aspires to be a hero, is a newly graduated Marine who is first stationed at a United States Embassy in a Middle Eastern territory referred to as "The Kingdom." The area is known to be fairly peaceful due to the US ambassador, Ambassador Cahill, who is known as the peacekeeper. When Albright first arrives he meets several other Marines including Hansen, Ski, Lopez, Stamper, Sunshine in addition to their superior Sergeant Gunny Raines (Scott Adkins), all of which seem fairly laid back. Albright is then directed to meet the Ambassador and his staff, where he meets Kraus, head of Security, and Olivia Winston, digital security director. When he meets the Ambassador his purpose is to hold a book for the Ambassador while he reads to local children. Albright and the rest of the Marines perform a variety of menial tasks like the holding of the book and cleaning cars as their main purpose there.
One day while up on the roof of the embassy, Albright spots a suspicious cameraman who he remembers seeing when he first arrived to the embassy. Albright does some research and finds that the man was not part of a news crew and is likely a rebel militant. He brings this information straight to the Ambassador who ignores the claims of this man existing. Both Kraus and Gunny get angry at Albright as he broke the chain of command and in response Gunny performed a fake kidnapping on Albright. Later while at a bar, Olivia confronts Albright about this suspected man, stating he is Khaled al-Asiri who is from a militant group with loose ties to ISIS. She tells him he sent his younger brother to perform a suicide bombing at a location North of their position which killed over 60 people. However, he was suspected dead 2 weeks ago from a drone strike.
Later while Albright is guarding the Ambassadors offices, Kraus comes in with a local and refuses to sign him in, stating he has an appointment with the ambassador. Albright suspects something is amiss and when he looks at the security cameras he notices a suspicious vehicle with Khaled al-Asiri nearby. The vehicle rams the embassy gate and explodes, destroying the gate and allows a group of militant rebels into the embassy grounds. The Marines begin to suit up while Kraus and his men and Albright and Ski go out to defend. Kraus, his men, and Ski all get killed while Albright retreats into the embassy. The Ambassador and his staff all begin to gather documents and hard drives and proceed to retreat further to reach the incinerator. Albright meanwhile is defending the front offices and gets pinned down and gets saved by the rest of the Marines. The Marines meet with the rest of the Ambassador and his staff and decide to retreat to safe room.
Once the safe room is reached it is revealed that the local who Kraus brought in is Jamal al-Asiri, the brother of Khaled. He is there to tell them that the drone strike failed and now his wife, children, and all his family are now in danger due to his brother not dying in the strike which he provided the coordinates for. MARSOC (Marine Corps Special Forces), led by Major Lincoln (Dennis Haysbert), is coming to provide backup but will likely take an hour. The Ambassador tells the Marines of a piece of evidence they were unable to delete, Khaled's cell phone, which is located in a safe in the Ambassador's residence. Hansen, Gunny, Lopez, Albright, and Olivia all leave to retrieve the cell phone. Gunny and Hansen go to the roof to provide covering fire while Lopez, Albright, and Olivia all dash to the residence. At the residence Lopez and Albright fight two men while the Royal Guard arrives to provide assistance to defend the embassy. Olivia tries to open the safe but the lock is broken from the militants trying to get in.
Militant reinforcements arrive and take out the Royal Guard. Gunny orders Albright to retreat, but he ignores him as Olivia tries to open the safe. They become overwhelmed by the enemy force but they are able to adequately defend as Olivia can finally open the safe after she knocks it to the ground. While Lopez, Albright, and Olivia begin to retreat to the safe room an RPG is shot at Gunny and he is killed. The Ambassador then puts Albright in charge of this situation. Olivia reveals the contents of the safe included a large sum of money as that is how the Ambassador was able to keep peace and burns the cash to keep it out of the militants hands. Albright orders everyone to meet in the back entrance of the embassy due to the safe room ventilated with smoke from the RPG explosion. The plan is to meet the MARSOC forces at the Al-Mafraq stadium 10 blocks from the embassy. When the 2 groups meet, Stamper gets killed as they escape. As they fight their way out into the streets they get pinned down in a restaurant with Sunshine getting shot in the face and they further retreat into the basement. Hansen and Lopez get shot in the basement while they have a final confrontation with Khaled. Jamal begins to fight Khaled's forces with Albright and Albright ends Khaled and his forces when he shoots a propane tank. MARSOC and Major Lincoln arrive and the Ambassador is finally safe. Albright becomes Staff Sergeant Albright in charge of the Marines at the embassy.
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