WISH UPON ( 2017 )
Posted by MizzHelena
Posted on August 28, 2017
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17-year old Clare Shannon is haunted by the memory of her mother's suicide. Her father Jonathan, who dumpster dives as a hobby, gives her a Chinese music box as a gift. Clare is able to decipher one of the numerous inscriptions on the box as "Seven Wishes." She absent-mindedly wishes for Darcie, her tormentor and school bully, to "rot," at which point Darcie develops necrotizing fasciitis and is admitted into the ICU. That same day, Clare's dog Max dies in her house's crawlspace after seemingly being eaten alive by rats. Clare realizes that the box has the ability to grant wishes, but does not realize her wishes come with consequences.
Clare, still bothered by the inscriptions she cannot translate on the box, consults the help of her classmate Ryan Hui and his cousin Gina. They find out that the box can grant seven wishes and when the music ends, “something” is paid. Clare and Ryan head home and Clare spots her father dumpster diving. She makes her fourth wish; that her father will stop being embarrassing. Jonathan immediately has a personality shift. Soon after, Gina deciphers the meaning of the phrase which says "When the music ends, the blood price is paid." After she warns Ryan, she dies when she trips and gets her head impaled on a sculpture. Ryan finds her body and confronts Clare about making wishes on the music box, which she denies.
Selfishly enough, she makes her fifth wish to be the most popular girl in school, which eventually happens, and to top that, she and Paul begin dating officially after she wishes he'd fall in love with her. After understanding the full extent of what Ryan told her, Clare consults her friends Meredith and June, who attempted to talk her into trashing the music box. She is reluctant though because she found out that all her wishes will come undone if she does so. That night, the three go to a school bonfire and scavenger hunt. Clare realizes that Paul has been stalking her and taking photos of her while she sleeps. Freaked out, she breaks up with him on the spot. June almost dies after a fire bull almost crushes her, but Meredith is able to pull her to safety in time. The three hang out in the lobby of a hotel where Meredith decides to separate from the two to explore. She uses the elevator to go down but is killed when the cable snaps.
Clare hides the music box in the vents of her room. Ryan reveals to her that she missed other inscriptions in the box which tell her that after the seventh wish is granted, the music box will claim the soul of the owner. Morning comes and after a few attempts to destroy the box, it disappears, reversing all of Clare's wishes. She loses her popularity and everything else she wished for. Clare discovers that June stole the box and after stealing it back, Clare uses her sixth wish, that her mother had never committed suicide. Suddenly, on her birthday, her mom, alive and well, knocks on her door, with two younger sisters greeting her. Clare rummages through her mom’s paintings and sees a picture of the music box. She concludes that her mom was one of the previous owners of the music box which caused her to commit suicide before.
Suddenly, Clare realizes that her dad will pay the price. Before she can save him, Jonathan gets killed. Clare uses her last wish to travel back in time to before her father found the box. Clare suddenly snaps awake alongside Max. She calls Meredith, who is alive and well, and her dad is getting ready to go dumpster diving. Mrs. De Luca waves goodbye as Clare goes with Jonathan and Carl to secretly retrieve the music box for good. She asks Ryan to help her dispose of it by burying the box. Suddenly, Clare is killed after she is accidentally run over. The music box can be heard after Clare's death, indicating that her seventh wish to reverse time caused her own demise.
In a mid-credits scene, Ryan prepares to bury the music box, but becomes intrigued by the inscription.
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